Cadresse - Performance Testing

Our test engineers are highly proficient in the Telco and Banking domains, however our predictions of significant growth in e2e customer experience of mobile devices and mobile applications area have led Cadresse to make this sector our primary focus. We can help an organisation to provide an excellent quality of service to consumers by having the understanding and capability necessary to validate the complete e2e business flow, be it from a mobile phone, tablet, or PC, across the network to the back end IT systems and back again. Consumer behaviour is changing and LTE/4G will enable the consumer to be closer to service-led organisations.

From manufacturer IOT (Inter-Operability Testing), Certification and pre-lab testing to chipset, protocol, platform validation and application white and black box testing, our experts' knowledge, expertise and dedication can add great value to your customer experience process.

Our Test Managers and Test Programme Managers are highly motivated individuals able to establish and run a team to meet your requirements, establishing strategy, process and plans as required.